Compounding Medications

Although most medications prescribed by a health care provider default to those that are manufactured on a large-scale, the art of compounding allows us to alter the dosage or formulation to best suit a person’s biology. For example, we can make: 

  • Oral solutions or suspensions for those unable to swallow pills
  • Lactose-free, dye-free, gluten-free, preservative-free, etc. for those that are allergic
  • Drugs in different strengths for optimal clinical or pharmacogenomic responses 
  • Combination therapies to increase compliance
  • Drugs that have been discontinued or are on shortage

With over 20 years of experience in compounding sterile and non-sterile preparations, let us formulate something unique for you!

Quality and Compliance

A compounded medication is only as good as its quality. Our compounded preparations are the result of our robust quality management systems:
  • We are compliant with USP <795> and <797> 
  • Only FDA approved raw materials with certificates of analysis from FDA registered suppliers are used
  • We utilize ISO 5 certified laminar airflow hoods inside our new state-of-the-art ISO 7 certified clean rooms
  • All employees complete ongoing rigorous didactic and hands-on training and competency programs 
  • We are licensed in good standing with the Arizona, Florida, Georgia, Louisiana, and New York State Boards of Pharmacy


We understand that your time is valuable, and work to make sure that your time at our pharmacy is well-spent. Our pharmacists are prepared to serve all of your prescription needs. Ask us if your prescription is eligible for any conveniences that will help further ease your pharmacy experience.

Galleria Pharmacy values your business. We commit to offering the highest quality products at competitive prices and the latest pharmacy trends.

Hormone Replacement Therapy for Men & Women

Balanced Hormones are essential to maintain healthy levels, especially as the body ages.

Both men and women experience hormone imbalances as part of the aging process. Hormone imbalance can be the cause of weight gain, decreased energy, fatigue, hair loss, low sex drive, depression, insomnia, and memory loss. If you experience these symptoms, you may be a candidate for Bio-Identical Hormone Replacement Therapy.

BHRT is compounded specifically for your needs and can be administered through creams, sublingual drops or pellets. Each of these methods, because they are natural (not synthetic), bypass your liver and are administered straight to the receptor sites. The results are the prevention of age related diseases, increased muscle strength and successful weight loss.

Common Signs of Hormone Imbalance:

Hot Flashes

Low Libido

Trouble Sleeping

Hair Loss

Mood Swings


Night Sweats

Abdominal Weight Gain

We can help!

Do any of these symptoms sound familiar? Contact us today to learn more about Hormone Therapy and the ways it can change your life!

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